Acupuncture in the Hague

Acupuncture is a fundamental part of traditional Japanese and Chinese medicine, this type of medicine although it is known as an alternative shows great changes in patients with its regular use since it stimulates energy points of the body with a therapeutic and curative purpose.

Its name comes from the Latin acus and puncuta, needle and puncture; Its origin is in China approximately around the year 100 a. C. its use emerges from the belief of the energetic and planetary influence in our bodies; after the XX century this practice became much more popular both in application and and research, that is why we can find the Acupuncture service in The Hague and in many places around the world today.

Acupuncture certainly produces neurological, endorphin and hormonal changes by means of needle punctures of specific points of the patients with a specialized acupuncturist treatment.

Drs. Renata Uribe is an Acupuncturist in The Hague,
if you need an appoinment please contact us.




    Your Message

    In Re-Balanced Acupuncture & Nutrition we want to share healthy foods that you can have as breakfast if you want to have energy during all day or you are preparing for your appointment of Acupuncture in The Hague with Drs. Renata Uribe:

    In your breakfast you can include:

    Fruit: They provide us with minerals, vitamins, fiber; They improve the appearance of your skin since they are natural antioxidants.

    Cereals: They contain a lot of fiber, vitamins B, E, zinc, and iron; they provide energy for the body and the nervous system.

    Natural yogurt: Prevents the development of harmful bacteria for the body, helps to combat constipation, stabilizes the intestinal flora and improves the absorption of nutrients from other foods we consume.

    Some other recommended foods: Avocado, egg, Granola, nuts, peanut butter.

    If you want to know more about our acupuncture services we recommend you visit all our packages: